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Pembahasan soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP MTs 2019 Nomor 1 – 8

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Postingan ini menyajikan pembahasan soal UN pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTs tahun 2019 nomor 1 – 8. Soal un bahasa Inggris ini terdiri dari soal tentang pemberitahuan (notice), teks (text) dan surat (letter).

Question 1 and 2 refer to the following notice.

Soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP MTs 2019 nomor 1 dan 2
Gambar soal 1 dan 2

1. What is the purpose of the notice?
A. To warn men to smoke in the area
B. To make the area free from children
C. To keep the area free from kids
D. To keep the area healthy for children


Tulisan pada gambar menunjukkan “Zona bebas tembakau, Udara bersih untuk anak-anak”. Jadi tujuan pemberitahuan ini adalah menjaga area sehat bagi anak-anak atau “To keep the area healthy for children”. Soal ini jawabannya D.

2. What would probably happen if people obey the notice?
A. The tobacco will be in free zone
B. The kids are in other zone
C. The air will be cleaner and healthier
D. The kids will be in a free zone


Terjemahan soal diatas adalah apa yang mungkin terjadi jika orang mematuhi pemberitahuan tersebut?. Jawabannya adalah udara akan menjadi lebih bersih dan sehat atau “The air will be cleaner dan healthier”. Soal ini jawabannya C.

Question 3 to 5 refer to the following text (pertanyaan 3 sampai 5 merujuk pada teks berikut).

Nowaday’s museum becomes a great and valuable tourist object. There are many museums in Indonesia, one of which is the Aceh Tsunami Museum. It is located on Jalan Iskandar Muda street, Aceh. The Museum building has adopted the traditional raised Aceh House.

Stepping inside, one will find a narrow corridor with water flowing from either side accompained by a scary rumbling sound, reminding us of the devastations made by the 2004 tsunami. The Museum also features an electronic simulation of the Indian Ocean earthquake, pictures of the casualties, and stories and testimonies of survivors.

The museum has two floors. The first floor is an open space area which serves as a reminder of the tsunami disaster. The second floor features educational media including a library, simulation rooms, 4D room, and a souvenirs shop. Same of the simulations is shown here are an earthquake resistant building and a model of the earth’s crust. There is also a room displaying tsunami disaster paintings and a diorama.

(Adapted from https://www.indonesia.travel/en)

3. What is the topic of the text?.
A. The development of the Aceh Tsunami Museum
B. Inside parts of the Aceh Tsunami Museum
C. The description of the Aceh Tsunami Museum
D. The traditional architecture of the Aceh Tsunami Museum


Terjemahan teks diatas sebagai berikut:

Museum Nowaday menjadi objek wisata yang bagus dan berharga. Ada banyak museum di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Museum Tsunami Aceh, terletak di Jalan Iskandar Muda, Aceh. Bangunan Museum mengadopsi rumah Aceh tradisional.

Melangkah ke dalam, orang akan menemukan koridor sempit dengan air yang mengalir dari kedua sisi disertai dengan suara gemuruh yang menakutkan, mengingatkan kita akan kehancuran yang disebabkan Tsunami tahun 2004. Museum ini juga menampilkan simulasi elektronik gempa bumi samudera Hindia, gambar-gambar korban, cerita-cerita dan kesaksian orang yang selamat.

Museum ini mempunyai dua lantai. Lantai pertama adalah ruang terbuka yang berfungsi sebagai pengingat bencana tsunami. Lantai kedua menampilkan media pendidikan termasuk perpustakaan, ruang simulasi, ruang 4D, dan toko suvenir. Simulasi yang sama ditunjukkan disini adalah bangunan tahan gempa dan model kerak bumi. Ada juga kamar yang menampilkan lukisan bencana tsunami dan diorama.

Berdasarkan terjemahan diatas maka topik dari teks adalah deskripsi museum tsunami Aceh atau “The description of Tsunami Aceh Museum”. Soal ini jawabannya C.

4. On the second floor of the museum, visitors can…
A. feel the real tsunami
B. help the tsunami victim
C. see how the tsunami happened
D. learn about how tsunami occurs


Dilantai dua museum terdapat perpustakaan, ruang simulasi, ruang 4D dan toko suvenir sehingga pengunjung dapat belajar tentang bagaimana tsunami terjadi atau “learn about how tsunami occurs”. Jadi soal ini jawabannya D.

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. There are many disaster paintings and diorama
B. There are many pictures about the victims of tsunami
C. There are some facilities for education in the museum
D. The two floors of the museum inform us about tsunami in detail


Ide utama paragraf terakhir adalah dua lantai museum memberi tahu kita tentang tsunami secara terperinci atau “The two floors of the museum inform us about tsunami in detail”. Soal ini jawabannya E.

Question 6 refer to the following text (pertanyaan 6 merujuk pada teks berikut).

Nowaday’s museum becomes a great and valuable tourist object. There are many museums in Indonesia, one of which in Museum Purbakala at Sangiran. The Museum is located 15 km from Surakarta. Sangiran is a village located on 17 km north of Surakarta, on the road to Pursodadi. It is an important place for Pithecanthropus Erectus, the pre-historic java Man. It is a land of the fossilized prehistoric living things. The pleistocene Museum keeps some skulls of the erectus, fossils of plants, and those of animals. Sangiran and other places such as Wajak (near Tulungangung) and trinil (near Ngawi) are significant places for building up human evolution theories.

Sangiran is an interesting place for scientific tourism in the field of geology, anthropology, and archaeology. Many experts come to this site to do research and studies. There is no other place in the world like Sangiran. The Sangiran fossils are very various. These fossils used to be flora and fauna from the earth surface and the sea. There was a possibility that the island of Java was appeared from the bottom of sea million years ago. The Villagers of Sangiran are making souvenirs from stones such as the statues, axes, eggs, rings, etc to promote local tourism.

(adapted from http://www.indonesia-tourism.com)

6. Many archaeologists visit Sangiran …they want to do their research and study.
A. when
B. because
C. although
D. only if


Terjemahan soal diatas adalah banyak arkeolog mengunjungi Sangiran … mereka ingin melakukan penelitian dan studi. Jadi kata yang tepat mengisi titik-titik adalah karena atau “because”. Soal ini jawabannya B.

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the text below.

Soal UN nomor 7 dan 8 bahasa Inggris SMP MTs 2019
Soal 7 dan 8

7. We are informed from the text that…
A. Bram’s teacher awarded him a medal
B. Bram defeated everyone in his art class
C. Bram’s success became the family pride
D. Bram’s mother saluted him on the art archievement


Kepada Bram,
Selamat telah membawa pulang penghargaan seni terbaik malam ini. Itu membuat saya sangat senang melihat kamu berkembang di kelas seni. Saya memiliki keyakinan padamu bahwa kamu akan terus menang di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Berdasarkan terjemahan diatas informasi teks adalah ibu Bram memberi hormat kepadanya atas prestasi seni. Jadi soal ini jawabannya D.

8. Why was the text above written to Bram?
A. Bram was the best student in the class
B. Bram took home the art Award at night
C. Bram got the best Art Award in the art class
D. Bram already made his mother proud of him


Terjemahan soal diatas adalah mengapa teks diatas ditulis untuk Bram. Jawabannya adalah karena Ibu Bram bangga atas penghargaan seni terbaik atau “Bram already made his mother proud of him”. Soal ini jawabannya D.

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